Scholarships for current students in VT's engineering college?

<p>Hey, I just finished the application for VT COE scholarship (for current students, not prospective freshmen).</p>

<p>Anyone know how likely it is to win one of the scholarships? Is it just one, or are there a ton of them? Is it done by departments? If it helps, I'm in Materials Science (HELP ME chuy!!!).</p>

<p>MSE represent.</p>

<p>It’s pretty likely that you’ll get at least one, which is good for (usually) about 1k. If your family is low income there’s another worth 1-3k that I got most years. Beyond that there are some smaller ones that most people with a GPA over 3 (I think) get for like 500. It has the word “futures” in it but that’s all I remember.</p>

<p>Tell Dr. Aning that Eric says hi.</p>