I’m looking for scholarships to UCs, or schools in Texas, that offer scholarships I can take advantage of. I’m currently in SoCal, and with a household income less than 30k, I’m looking for programs to heavily assist me as I’m seeking to become a veterinarian.
W GPA: 4.38 (10th-11th 4.35)
GPA: 3.75 (10th-11th 3.65)
UC GPA: 4.05
Major: Pre Vet
ECs: Strength United, Part time job, volunteer at animal shelter, CCR course for veterinary sciences, CSF
Income: <30k
Bengali (Asian) Student
SAT: Not yet taken, but 1260 PSAT
Many outside scholarships do require citizenship or at least legal status. Your best bets are going to be California colleges. You need to discuss with your GC or someone at the college fairs where you will get the most aid. Many of the full aid packages include the federal loans and Pell grants, but you won’t be eligible for those. You need to ask if the Cal Grant or other instate aid are increased if you don’t get Pell and can’t take loans.
Most instate guidance counselors are pretty good at knowing which direction to steer you.
Look into whether your county has a scholarship foundation. Ex. Santa Barbara has the SB Scholarship Foundation which gives out millions each year to county residents. DACA kids welcomed! Also, consider your local CC for two years. Many also offer financial aid to DACA kids. I also read about a program at one of the University of Maryland campuses which gives significant scholarships to DACA kids. Good luck!