Scholarships for OOS Students

HI All, I have been accepted to school of L&S. Being an OOS applicant are there any chances I would get some sort of scholarships beyond the FAFSA. I really want to attend this school. But the price tag is steep for OOS students

Wisconsin offers very little merit aid to OOS, which you would have known if you’d done your research before applying. Go take a look at their scholarship page.

What is your EFC?

@Madison85. The EFC is coming to around $35,000. But definitely my Family can’t afford that. I have pretty high stats. SAT 1560, NMSF. possibly NMF. GPA - 3.7 with many AP and Honor courses. Thought my stats would qualify me for some merit aid.

Don’t count on any merit aid from UW-Madison.

The OOS COA is $50k.

You’d be offered a $5500 loan.

Did you apply to U Minnesota Twin Cities? I believe there’s a $10k x 4 years NMF scholarship.

Wow. You don’t need to be nasty. Why would you tell someone they would have known if they did their research? What does that achieve? Does it make you feel better? College is a stressful process and we are all doing our best. By the way, my S is an admitted OOS student and there are some scholarships for OOS students. Look on the portal and click on those that apply. There are not that many, but it is worth a shot.

Helpful poster is NOT nasty- Violamom you are becoming the nasty one with your comments on various threads. btw- I would not count on being any school’s NMS four year recipient- far too many with great stats competing for those.

Students need a reality check. They should be doing their homework when considering dream schools. It is not any school’s job to make it affordable for you. The reality is that it is up to the family. We were so lucky living in Wisconsin to have great public education K-12 and a top notch flagship U. What I see are unrealistic expectations so easily taken care of months ago. No matter how much you love a school it is neutral towards you- there are literally thousands of HS seniors who want to attend UW-Madison, including those who do not post on CC.

This forum is not meant to be a feel good site. It is meant to be informative and a reality check for naive students. Being honest and blunt is best.

All you guys need to stop fighting lmao

@ViolaMom12 It was not my intention to be nasty. But the OP and most students need to understand that you don’t just apply to schools with a wish and a prayer regarding important requirements, whether that be having the major you want or affordability. You do your due diligence. I see it far too often on here. The OP basically wasted his parents money applying to Wisconsin, and we know applying to college isn’t cheap. Hopefully OP learned a valuable life lesson. Always research first. It applies to much in life and not just to college admissions.

Maybe that is true. Maybe it is not. Your being hostile and pompous doesn’t help. Did you ever make a mistake? Do you like it if people help you or tell you that you were an idiot for making a mistake? You really should apologize and not dig a deeper hole for yourself.

Get back to the students. Using negative words describing other posters digs the hole deeper for said poster. Above poster, we all can accept your apology for rudeness.

Students. Lessons learned. Do your research. It will matter this spring when/if you have college choices. Look at all costs of attending. That big scholarship may not be the best if transportation, housing et al costs all add up. Instate flagship schools are usually a best deal for most top students because of costs and available academics. Be sure to not take a lesser private school’s offer just to leave home. Even for Madison kids UW is a world apart. Likewise in other states.