<p>Does anyone know of any reputable performing arts national scholarships to apply for?</p>
<p>YoungArts. :0)</p>
<p>I’ll second YoungArts!</p>
<p>They just opened applications for rising Seniors, so now is the time to get applications together, so you can avoid those huge last-minute shipping charges. ;-D</p>
<p>Depending on your area, there is also money to be had from local competitions-in the LA area there is the Richard Carpenter Scholarship Competition and the LA Music Center Spotlight awards, both with top awards of $5000. Not a huge amount compared to $30,000 and up tuitions, but every bit helps! For those already in college, the Richard Carpenter competition includes a college division.</p>
<p>Just checked, and apparently the Richard Carpenter Scholarship competition is on hiatus for a year. So sad. I never even knew it existed!</p>
<p>oh too bad- I had heard it was going forward so I’m not sure what happened. The great thing about this one is that you can compete for first place twice; once in high school and again in college. If you win first in your category, you are not eligible to compete again until you change age levels, but if you take second prize or lower, you can compete again the following year in the same age division. Very cool competition as Richard Carpenter and often his kids take a part in the whole show and are there for the awards and the reception after. It was a lot of fun so look for it in the future!</p>