Scholarships for travel abroad

Anyone have experience using a scholarship for travel abroad. My daughter is applying to go on a trip to Panama for 10 days, May 9th to 19th. This trip does qualify for 3 credit hours and indicates that scholarships can be used to help pay for this. My daughter has a presidential scholarship, but not sure if that can be used for this or not.

Just curious if anyone else has experience using scholarships for travel abroad.


Are you asking if her presidential award will cover the 3 credits? Not unless you want to use/lose an entire semester of scholarship, which I doubt you do.

That is outside of the semester. It’s essentially a summer abroad. You’ll either have to pay all costs, or use a semester of her scholarship…but that is a very risky thing to do for only 3 credits. She’d have to graduate a semester early.

I need to edit…is that 3 credits considered to be for this semester? is this a Honors College thing? My son received some credits for his May trip to Costa Rica, but it was considered to be a spring semester class (they had classes to go to during the spring semester). It was considered to be an HC class and therefore his scholarship paid for (only) the credits…nothing else.

It looks like it is a summer program even though it is still in May. This was my concern that she might be giving up a semester of scholarship. Will look into it and update when my DD finds out.

This is the link to the program:

This is what it says in the email:
Our international trip to Panama got approved by the University! It is now listed on the study abroad office website as “UA in Panama: Engineering Service Learning.” The opportunity is available to earn 3 credits from the trip as GES 472. This also means that you can apply UA scholarships towards the cost of the trip! …

Summer classes don’t officially begin until May 31 this year, so if she’s using a semester of scholarship for this particular experience, she can take a lot of additional credits later in the summer to make it ‘worth it’.

It is also my understanding that study abroad credit hours are charged at IN-state rates, so it is sometimes better to pay the tuition yourself (if you are OOS) than use valuable scholarship funds.

Scholarships: Students using Scholarships to pay for their program are encouraged to talk with the Scholarship office (prior to the deposit) to determine what portion of funding can be used for the study abroad program. To apply scholarship funding to your program, you must first complete the scholarship for study abroad request form in your MyBama account.
