Scholarships for under a 3.5?

Im a junior in high school and my first semester grades recently came out for me and I am on track to do pretty good. Sadly, after I kind of screwed up last year, assuming all continues to go well (which i believe it will), I am going to end my junior year with about a 3.33 weighted GPA.

I know that all the big scholarships at Alabama require a 3.5, so would I get any aid with a 3.33? My scores right now aren’t great either (1020 CR & M, 1540 with W), but I am still planning on taking the ACT and getting my scores up. Is there a test score that would help get me some more aid even with out the 3.5 GPA?

Thanks so much

Are you OOS? What are your parents saying about how much they’ll pay?

Scholarships that aren’t the assured ones are hard to predict. If given, they likely won’t be very large.

Your bigger issue is your SAT score. Right now, you’re well below even a small award.

How much in merit do your parents want you to get? How much will they pay?

Tuscalusa isnt exactly a city,



Tuscaloosa most certainly is a city. It is the state’s 5th largest city. It is a very good-sized city of nearly 100,000 people! It isn’t a town by any means.

My parents have a little money set aside for my college but it isn’t much (I think about $24k), I am out of state. So the more the better.

I do understand my SAT score won’t get my much at the moment. The reason I didn’t ask about that was that is something I can pull up. I am more concerned about my GPA since there isn’t much way of it getting higher than 3.33.

I believe our EFC is around $16k a year, if that helps.

Your EFC won’t matter.

How much higher do you think you could bring up your M+CR?

You need to ask your parents how much they’ll pay…that will be a big issue.

@mom2collegekids‌ I did discuss finances with my parents. They said they could pay about $20k a year.

Also, I realized I had a math error and I WILL be able to bring my GPA up to a 3.5 be the end of my junior year.

As for my SAT scores, North Carolina pays for all high school students to take the ACT once. I am taking it on March 3rd and anticipating a 28 or 29 after the PLAN, practice tests, and working with a tutor. Depending on which test I am more comfortable with, I will most likely retake it at least one more time.

Ok…If you end up with a 3.5 written on your Transcript, then the only thing left to do is get a very good ACT or SAT score.

An ACT 28 will be almost worthless to you. An ACT 29 (at least) makes Bama affordable because then you’d get a half tuition award. That award along with your parents’ $20k…and any summer money or even a very small student loan would cover the rest.

So, practice BOTH the ACT and SAT. sometimes it’s easier to do well on the SAT since you only have to practice the M and the CR.

What was the breakdown of your earlier Act?