Scholarships/graduation date/Masters strategy

Hi all, I was hoping some of the more experienced parents could help me think though this strategy. :slight_smile:

My daughter (2nd year at UA, Junior standing due to APs/CLEP/etc) is planning on doing her BS & MS here at U. of Alabama. So far, so great!! Roll tide!!

Sheā€™s on a National Merit scholarship, which means 5 years of free tuition + some extra cash each year (3500) for FOUR years plus the ENGR college cash (2500/yr) which is, presumably, likewise limited to (four?) undergrad years. (Plus a few other perks that arenā€™t relevant at this time.)

So, anyway, helping her strategize her schedule for her upcoming 4th semester and beyond, it looks like sheā€™d pretty easily be able to complete the BS in 3 years (6 semesters) and would also be able to get probably 2 courses done during that time that could double-count towards her MS as well (using 500 level courses in place of 400 for some upper division major electives).

The MS program is a one-year thing ā€“ 30 credit hours (whether she chooses thesis or non-thesis, still just 30 hours).

So, she may well end up not using the Year 5 tuition money (unless I can convince her to take a year or at least a semester off in the middle and sail around the world or something fun like that on a study abroad thing, but so far, sheā€™s not motivated to travel to that extent). Thatā€™s just fine with me; her call on that, of course.

What Iā€™m wondering about is that 3500/yr NM money and 2500/yr ENGR money. Itā€™d sure be nice to keep that money during Year 4 even if sheā€™s doing grad work that year.

So, question is . . . Could she just wait to get the BS & MS at the same graduation ā€“ presumably the end of Year 4? Can she do that even if she has technically completed all the BS requirements? I think this would be nice for her because itā€™d mean sheā€™d graduate with more of her friends who entered the same date she did . . .

(And, yes, I am encouraging her to explore co-op . . . and that wouldnā€™t change the financials on this question, itā€™d just nudge it back a year.)

Any insights into this strategy? Any BTDT advice? If she graduated with the BS after 3 years, am I right that sheā€™s forfeit the 3500 NM money and the 2500 ENGR money during that 4th year?

Thanks in advance for your insights!

I will send you a PM, but in the meantime, what is ā€œBTDT adviceā€?

BTDT = Been There Done That

Thanks! Sorry for that!

Ah, BTDT, BTT-S (ā€¦bought the t-shirt) :smiley:

General advice is to have 1 class remaining for the bachelorā€™s degree until ones final semester and then graduate from UA with a masterā€™s and a bachelorā€™s at the same time. This is possible if the masterā€™s degree is part of the University Scholars Program. All undergraduate benefits would remain in effect.

One thing a lot of people are surprised to learn is the extent of courses UA scholarships will cover. If she wants to stay a fifth year, she has some great course options to choose from.

My son participated in the University Scholars program for CS. He was a NMF 5 years ago and UA did not ā€œpayā€ for a fifth year or for graduate courses under the presidential scholarship so this was his best option. Not sure how the fifth year works now and what it covers, but I would talk to the NMF contact at UA to make sure. My son graduated last December after 3-1/2 years with his bachelors in CS and Math, and masters in CS. He could have stayed longer but said he took all the classes he wanted (even fun ones) and was ready to move on. At this December ceremony he ended up wearing his masters gown, and walking twice - once for his masters and once for his undergrad. My regret for my son was he didnā€™t take advantage of using his scholarship tuition to study abroadā€¦ definitely something that I would have considered, and maybe something your daughter might. Roll Tide!

Thanks everyone for the awesome insights and advice (and the PMs)! You all really are SO kind and helpful. Iā€™ll be saving all these insights and will refer to them carefully!!


And save her email reply

Also certainly discuss with engineering on options via advising and other sources of info.

A student that entered with DD fall 2014 completed his math degree in two years - and his Presidential scholarship is continuing to pay for two additional years (starting this term) - he is continuing at UA pursuing a graduate math degree.

Agree about saving email replies from UA - that way, if policies change, DD will be ā€˜grandfatheredā€™.

Thanks again! @mom2collegekids, which questions should I ask Amber? All my questions, or which ones?

How do we find the requirements for adding a math major to her ENGR college/CS major? She is signed up for math minor, and already will get all but one class for that (she took extra math last year . . . for fun, lol). I had thought that adding a math major would mean sheā€™d have to fill the A&S College requirements, but am I wrong? Can she get the major with just filling the major requirements, without the general ed requirements that are unique to A&S (not shared by the ENGR college)? Anyone have a list of requirements for adding the math major to an ENGR/comp sci degree?

Thanks all!!

I missed the aboveā€¦

Ask Amber all Qā€™s pertaining to scholarships.

As for the math major issue, sheā€™d need to talk to A&Sā€¦I think that may be in Smith Hall, if nothingā€™s moved/changed.