
If I do not have a message under financial aid does that mean I do not get any scholarships? I really thought I would. I have a 34 ACT 4.01 GPA, sports, extra carriculars, volunteer work, and a strong essay. I am just a little disappointed because many others seem to have gotten scholarships.

I agree from your stats it would seem that you should qualify for a scholarship, it seems that Miami changed the way they awarded merit aid this year as there are many many others who (like you) have very high stats (well above the 75th percentile for Miami) as well as strong essays, EC’s, leadership, and LORs who also did not receive any merit aid. Very hard to understand what Miami is doing this year. Wondering if they don’t actually want the very strong applicants to accept admission

My son too had strong stats, 1540 SAT, high GPA…no merit. I am wondering why they bothered accepting him. Its not possible for us to justify paying full price for Miami, even though it was his dream school. We qualify for some financial aid for year 1, while my older son is still in college, however year 2-4 would likely be full price with no financial aid at all. Also, how they calculated EFC is bizarre in our case.

The holistic review process is also being used for merit as well is what I have been told.