School of Media and Public Affairs (SMPA)

hey everyone! I just thought I’d reach out and see if anyone is applying to GW’s School of Media and Public Affairs for the journalism or poli comm major (class of 2023). I absolutely love the program and am definitely applying regular decision later this year.

did anyone apply ED? anyone considering ED2 or RD? I know the school is small but I’d love to connect with some other people who are interested!!

Hi! I actually applied ED. My #1 is Elliott and my #2 is SMPA. I think I was more competitive for SMPA though. Have you applied yet?

that’s awesome - good for you and good luck hearing back soon!! I’m sure you’ll get into Elliott but it would be so cool if you ended up at SMPA! I actually applied EA to a few other places just to cast a wide net and get a sense of things but I really love SMPA so so much and am considering ED2 depending on my EA results at other schools. I am 100% applying in some form though because I absolutely LOVE it. when are you supposed to hear back from GW? have you visited?

That’s wise! I think I will hear back within the next week. I have toured GW officially once, but I have gone to the campus just to survey the vibe four times :). Have you?