<p>Hello college confidential users!</p>
<p>I'm a Canadian who took the SAT about a month ago and was surprised how hard it was and was kind of ready to dismiss the scores from my applications to most schools, and was going to look at other schools who didn't require them... but the scores came in today and they might not be as bad as I thought, so could some of you tell me some examples of the levels of schools I could get into with these stats:</p>
<p>Area: Outside of Toronto, Ontario, Canada</p>
<p>Grade 9 Marks: 82% average
Grade 10 Mark: 85% average
Grade 11 Marks: 80% average
Grade 12 Marks: 85% average so far this year, hopefully I'll stay somewhere between 83 to 88.</p>
<p>The grading scale in this area in case people aren't sure is something like:
F: below 50%
D: 50-59%
C: 60-69%
B: 70-79%
A: 80+%
A+: 90+/95+, I'm still not sure which one</p>
<p>Not many extracurriculars, although I'm not really looking into financial aid since I'm an international student and most schools don't give out aid to them and I know academics come first for those. Play HS football, but not on an elite level. Got my mandatory 40 hours of community service as well.</p>
<p>Critical Reading: 670 [Nat'l Standing: 92% (next to score on collegeboard.com)]
Math: 590 [Nat'l Percentile: 71%]
Writing: 530 [Nat'l Percentile: 62%]
Essay: 8</p>
<p>Hopeful Major: Business or Economics</p>
<p>I was pleasantly surprised with the high critical reading score, and my math is decent, and I heard that those 2 are more important than the new writing score, which I struggled on :(</p>
<p>If anybody has any more questions to give them a better idea on something, just ask, I should be on here quite a bit for at least the next week choosing schools now.</p>
<p>I was looking at preferably universities over LACs, so I can really cheer on the team and have that school spirit sense. I also like bigger schools, and a nice campus.</p>