School Suggestions

I have ideas for my reach and safety schools but I’m having trouble coming up with match schools.
SAT: 1260, 630CR and 570M
Waiting for scores back from ACT
AP: statistics , Lang & comp, environmental science
Dual Enrolled classes: College Us History, College Composition
Upward Trend
GPA: 3.69 weighted, my school doesn’t report unweighted

Senior Year Course load: College English, Honors Oceanography, Honors Sports Marketing, Honors Government, Honors Independent Study 3d Design
Rank: 239/673- very competitive school easily best in our area.
All Star world competition attending cheer team
Varsity Cheerleading (9-12) (captain 12)
Key Club (11-12)
Beta club (10-12)
National Art honor society (9-12)
Spanish Club (12)
Asian Club (12)
Varsity Club (10-12)
Politics club (11-12)

Gender: female
Income bracket- $200,000+
Race: African American
Virginia Resident

So far I have
Reaches: Georgia Tech
NC State
University of Maryland
University of South Carolina

My safeties are:
Coastal Carolina (already accepted)
University of Alabama

And my only match is:
Kennesaw State University

Please suggest alternate schools similar to the ones listed above that are matchs or low reaches for my stats.

If you can get your SAT/ACT scores up a bit, URichmond or William and Mary should be matches. In any event, Elon should be a match.

Have you run the Net Price Calculator on each school’s web site? You have a bunch of out-of-state schools which probably will only offer limited financial aid.

@ErinsDad Price isn’t really a huge concern for me. I’m lucky enough to have parents that are willing to pay for anywhere I choose and have the means to comfortably pay and I’m not really interested in any In state school.

If it helps, I want to major in either International Buisness or Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Try using the supermatch function to the left (under find a college)