<p>The end of my junior year is almost here, and its that time when I begin to finalize my college list, even though I STILL WANT CORNELL< AND NOTHING MORE! :) But still, I need a list, and my final 20 needs to be cut. </p>
<p>One way which I realized would make it easier is to list all my schools in order of how close they resemble Cornell in academics, social life, atmosphere, size, overall educational experience, etc. </p>
<p>So here is my list: Please rate these from the most similar to the least similar to Cornell.</p>
-Boston Univ
-Univ of Rochester
-Johns Hopkins University
-Union College
-Syracuse University
-George Washington
-University of Pittsburgh
-SUNY Bing
-SUNY Buffalo
-SUNY Geneseo
-SUNY Stony Brook</p>
<p>NOTE: Within the next month or so, I will begin to eliminate more of these. Those that are under intense scrutiny and doubt are Georgetown, George Washington, SUNY Buffalo, SUNY Geneseo, U Pittsburgh, Colgate, and Syracuse Univ.</p>
<p>I'd ditch all the SUNY's but one (assuming you are using them as safeties). They are all extremely similar and share the same weaknesses. I'd keep Bing or Stony Brook.</p>
<p>Here are some schools I think have a similar feel:</p>
-U Rochester
<p>They're in no particular order.</p>
<p>I definately wouldn't compare NYU and BU with Cornell. The environment is absolutely nothing like Cornell. They both have good academics. They're similar in the fact that they're both large universities, but there aren't many similarities to Cornell in my opinion.</p>
<p>yeah i agree, you should pick one atmosphere because the have a completely different feel. urban such as nyu, bu, brown, and george washington, have a tiny campus so the activities will relate more to the city whereas cornell there are LOTS of things to do on campus because it's so big. cornell is rural, but not as rural as colgate, it's in the middle on nowhere! also do you want a big sports school? because thats something nyu and others are not, compared with cornell. look at umd too, its very similar to cornell and its becoming higher rated like uva and unc</p>
<p>Well, no, im not gonna even think about UVA and UMD cus they are just too far away, but thanks for the suggestion. </p>
<p>Which do you think I should absolutely eliminate? Consider what i already have as my potential removals: Georgetown, George Washington, SUNY Buffalo, SUNY Geneseo, U Pittsburgh, Colgate, and Syracuse Univ.</p>
<p>From my perspective, Colgate is NOTHING like Cornell. The only thing they have in common is that they are both great schools in New York that start with a C... Hamilton is way more out in the boonies than Ithaca. Plus, it is a small liberal arts-type school, and Cornell is certainly not. The culture of Colgate seemed a lot different to me as well--lots of drop dead gorgeous people, fake tans, expensive clothes, and drinking appeared to be the only way to have fun pastime. I knew from my overnight that this was just not the kind of college experience I wanted to have. I found the two to be compleeeeeeetely different. Good luck getting into Cornell!</p>
<p>i think you should keep one of the sunys as a safety in case you get a guaranteed transfer or some along those lines</p>
<p>i also think you should get rid of vassar and lehigh, they have nice campuses but they are also nothing like cornell, it you are making that your model. they have a more traditional feel and cornell has a more liberal feel</p>
<p>just a little note: umd is closer to nyc than cornell, i live on li and it takes me 4 hours to umd and 5+ to cornell so, just because its south of jersey doesnt mean its far away</p>
<p>I was thinking of taking off Vassar in the long run. Considered Lehigh but I like it somehow.....anyway, why do you like UMD so much....i havent heard much about it compared to UMICH and UVA</p>
<p>i visitied umd and i just liked it so much, its a big campus with a large student body population and it was just so diverse, like cornell. there were 6'5" basketball players walking around in their sweatsuits, the mall is beautiful and the professors were so friendly. also the student union is so cool. whats your SAT scores? because they are starting to be higher on the safety-goodmatch-reach scale. at the open house, they said they wouldn't take anyone with less than a 1300 into the engineering program so... its up to you. i got in with a 1330 and a 3.5, if you love cornell, i think you would really like umd</p>
<p>Only to compare Cornell only 3 schools: Northwestern, JHU and Umichigan.
They all have Good Enineering schools, Medical schools, Law and Business and reputationn. Brown does not have professional but good LA.</p>
<p>OK...well i decided im not going to a school outside the Mid-Atlantic. Can you tell me some schools on MY list that are the closest to Cornell and the farthest, so that I can eliminate....I need to bring my list down to 10 schools, with 7 of which being private, excluding SUNY's. </p>
<p>So, essentially, i need 7 schools max, not 16 (+ 4 SUNY's).</p>