<p>Right now I am a senior in High School and I will be applying to schools soon. I just thought I should get some input about my chances at some schools. Right now I am 5th out of 195 students in my class with a uw gpa of 3.4 I believe and a weighted gpa of a 4.0. My first sat' was really bad i got a 1640: cr 610 , 520 m, 510 w, I think on my math section I omitted one question and never compensated on the answer sheet so I screwed myself up. But I just took them again so well see. Im taking sat subject test in november: US History and Math IIc. In my school I have taken these classes :
Biology Hon B+
English 9 hon A
Geometry Hon B
Health B+ (me and the baby didn't get along to well)
Gym A+ (ik it doesn't count )
Spanish 2 Hon B+
World History A+</p>
Algebra II Hon A
An at. and Phys. Hon B+
Chemistry Hon A
English 10 Hon A
Gym A+ (school requires gym every year)
Spanish 3 Hon B+
US History I Hon A</p>
Adobe Photoshop A-
AP Economics B (3 on micro 2 on macro tests)
AP Language and Comp. A (3 on the test)
AP US History (4 on the test)
Physics Hon B
Pre CaL Hon A-
Spanish 4 Hon B+</p>
AP Calculus
AP Literature
AP Environmental Science
Weight Training Class
Marketing Hon (Deca)
Accounting 1
Senior Privileges (just something that takes up space)
SAT Prep </p>
<p>-Grades Pending </p>
<p>EC's: Football for four years - 2 year starter, Chess 2 years, Deca, National Honor Society, Jr. Honor Society, News Paper, American Politics Club. Taking up winter track this year and possibly spring track just to keep busy and fit after football. I have work experience at a restaurant and plan on getting another job in the spring. </p>
<p>So after all that, what schools do you think I could get into? As far as essays go I have been told by my English teachers I write really well. The major I want to go for in college is engineering. I'm still trying to decide what discipline to go into, i'm between Aerospace, Mechanical, or Nuclear. I'm leaning towards mechanical though for undergrad and then nuclear for graduate school. As far as all the other stuff goes Im white, low income family, first generation student, from Massachusetts.</p>
<p>It would be amazing if I could get some input back, its really just to measure where I am and it would greatly help in my application process. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. </p>
<p>p.s Some schools i'm really interested in are Purdue, Worcester Poly Tech, Boston U and have been looking at some schools in California (suggestion/recommendations?)</p>