Schreyers Honors College Class of 2019

No interview and OOS
My essays were creative, so I’m sure that helped. Now I need to visit!!

I got accepted too!

@silverdrop @mamahills Something to add to that. I can’t speak to Ohio State’s programs but with Schreyer and Penn State you can start bridging the 5k difference if not completely close it. First, if you do well, there are more scholarships available after your sophomore year through your department worth a couple thousand. Second, there’s an enormous amount of summer funding available for internships/study abroad from both Schreyer and the academic departments. I don’t think I know of a single person who applied for funding and didn’t get at least something from someone. If you do Paterno Fellows, I think they’ll actually guarantee a minimum of $1500 (though you can easily get funded both/all three summers). I ended up with a few thousands each summer I applied for funding.

Think of it this way: Penn State is rather large and that means it has a large amount of resources. Schreyer means you’re first in line when they give out those resources and that’s pretty much how I’ve found it to work.


I did do an interview, and it went really well. The alum that interviewed me said I was one of the best interviews he had ever had, and that he’d put in a good word for me. I think an interview can only help, unless you really have problems with social interaction.

I was worried when I applied that my essays weren’t as strong as they should be.
The school I applied from also had loads of applicants to Schreyers and is not really a high preforming school, both of which had the potential to be a weakness.

I’ve kept high grades through out high school, took as many APs as I could (and stay sane), got involved w/ leadership, had internships.

I’m also entering CALS, and a scholar told me during one of my visits that that may give me an edge as they are trying to get a balance from the colleges and do not have as many applicants from CALS as from some of the other colleges. I don’t think that it gave enough of an advantage, though, that an applicant should apply as a CALS accepted or other underrepresented college rather than applying as the college they truly want to get into.

I was also accepted. I did an interview, had average grades but in very hard classes, and wrote reasonably creative essays. I also submitted an artistic supplement that was a recording of a song that I wrote. I was involved in lots of extra-curriculars and had a few leadership positions, but nothing to huge.

And also, vic1157, its 4.5k per year… I was confused too but it is explained here ( - Page 10)

Hi everyone. I have an unusual question. Is anyone from Squirrel Hill or Mt. Lebanon going to the Schreyer orientation on May 21? I am looking for a Schreyer car magnet and understand that there will be merchandise for sale at the orientation. I live in Squirrel Hill, work in Mt. Lebo, and could pick it up from you and pay for it.