Science and Technology Honors Program and University Honors Program Interview?


<p>I am a senior currently looking towards the above 2 honors college programs at UA-Birmingham. I was wondering if someone can give me some specifics as to what to expect, such as questions and points to emphasize on when I get interviewed, as I have been invited for one on the 24th of January.</p>


Hello, I also applied to the SciTech program and was wondering the same thing. I’ve been trying to find stuff on this same topic to prepare for the interview but I haven’t really found much. The only thing I’ve really thought to emphasize was the research experience I have at UA. Other than that, I still really don’t have much information on it. Any other feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Co1ton, thanks for sharing this information. It is strange that no one is aware of this program or not to many here who are in this program. Are you out of state student ? I am . May be we can talk via private message…

Nah, I live in Tuscaloosa. It’s where UA is. Like an hour away.