<p>Who here does Science Bowl? Regionals season has started!</p>
<p>I do. hehe Science Bowl is really fun…</p>
<p>Yeah, it is. What school are you from? Were you guys at Nationals last year?</p>
<p>Science Bowler right here!</p>
<p>What school are you from?</p>
<p>uhh, I’ll give you this much info, if you’re really interested.</p>
<p>-We haven’t been to Nationals in recent years, due to an incredibly strong program at an IB school in a state capital near us. (weak hint)
-Our Team A was the runner-up at Regionals to the runner-up at Nationals last year. (strong hint)</p>
<p>You lost to us (Mira Loma) last year? At regionals?</p>
<p>Whoa, what a coincidence! Yes, I go to Rio. I was on B last year, we never even got to play you, but our A lost to you guys in double-elimination.</p>
<p>I’m in it. But my school teams isn’t so great. Best one got 5th or 6th last year at regionals. My team this year is the worst of my school teams, so I have no hope on going to nationals. Really, I’m just doing it because I like science and have nothing else better to do.</p>
<p>We went to nationals for the first time last year, but we lost this year at regionals in semifinals. One more year for me though.</p>
<p>This is my last year… So hopefully my team can make it a good one. What do you guys do for questions? We write a round every week but you end up getting pretty bad questions.</p>
<p>It’s my last year too (I started last year). About the questions, I honestly don’t know. Our captain does some weird web searches or something.</p>
<p>Our quiz bowl team did it this year, kind of on a whim. And our regional was actually last Saturday, but we didn’t make it to Nationals. We didn’t really have much of a chance anyways though…</p>
<p>Ah well. We’ve used all the online questions, so now we’re bored.</p>
<p>I’m a science bowler! It’s our school’s second year doing this and i’m really excited for Bakersfield regionals. Our school is far away, so we get to wake up at four in the morn =P. We have two teams, but there’s no real first team.</p>
<p>Ouch. I envy the students whose schools host the regionals.</p>
<p>This may be a lame question, but what’s the best way to study for the Science Bowl?</p>
<p>Read the “book” for your subject. For example, if you’re studying biology, read Biology by Campbell and Reece.</p>
<p>OMG, we(Dos Pueblos High School) are going to nationals!!! =)
Anyone else gonna be there?</p>