Science credits for the non-science major

Hi everyone! My daughter got a 5 on AP Environmental Science but from what I can tell she will still need a lab science credit (she will be a finance major). She is NOT a science person… When planning out her schedule what is the best science class for a kid who just needs to get through the credit as easily and painlessly as possible. Thanks!!

It seems that for at least a 3 on Environmental Science credit will be given for GEO105, or 4SH of the N (Natural Science) core requirement. B-school requires 8 hours of “N” for BS degree. She will need 4 more hours to fulfill this core requirement.


Natural Science: eight hours designated N, including at least two hours of laboratory experience.Humanities and Fine

Arts: 12 hours total; at least three hours of Literature* (designated L) and at least three hours of Fine Arts (designated FA). The remaining six hours may be chosen from either Humanities (designated HU), Literature or Fine Arts. *Every student must complete a six-hour sequence in either Literature or History.

History and Social/Behavioral Sciences: 12 hours total; at least three hours in History* (designated HI) and at least six hours chosen from other disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences (designated SB). EC 110 Principles of Microeconomics and EC 111 Principles of Macroeconomics (required above) satisfy six hours of this requirement. *Every student must complete a six-hour sequence in either Literature or History.

Foreign Language or Computer Language: Two semesters (six to eight hours) of foreign language credit (designated FL) or two semesters of C-designated computer language courses (six hours). This requirement will be satisfied by completing ST 260 Statistical Data Analysis and one additional C-designated course; some majors require a specific course to complete this requirement. See departmental sections for details.

Although an engineering major, in addition to his chemistry and physics, my son had to take another science elective and on research I read that GY (Geography) 101 was one of the easier courses and a good choice. It is about weather. He took it his freshman year and got an A without putting forth much effort. I’ve also read that some geology courses are good choices for non-science students.

Astronomy 101 and 102

Geography 101 and 102

Geology 101 and 102

The above are often taken by those who just want to fulfill the N req’t

My daughter also had the AP Enviro credit and needed one more science course. She ended up taking it at our local community college the summer before freshman year, but if she hadn’t done that she was leaning toward Geography 101 (which is essentially weather). She also considered GY 102 and GEO 101 and 102. Since she wasn’t much interested in science, she definitely didn’t want to be in a Bio or Chem class that was a weeder for pre-meds or nursing majors.

Please have your student take that lab class during the summer at your local community college or take something like GEO 104 given her excellent AP score? It has no prerequisite but offers 4 credits for lecture and lab. Avoid Chem 101/102.

And if your daughter decides to fulfill the computer science six-hours rather than foreign language, have her consider testing out of CS 102, which is the prerequisite for all computer science and for ST260, too. It must be taken in order to take the six-hours anyway so might as well attempt to test out of it. You buy the same online computer course but don’t have to take time getting to a class or lab room. Something to consider.

For more info:

@chesterton Thank you for the suggestion of CS 102! She needs just 3 more hours of computer science to fulfill the rec and will have stats 260 done after this year through AP courses. How does this work to test out? Can she prepare? Is this an easy test most kids pass? Any details about it would help!