<p>I'm taking too long on the science portion (usually 10 minutes over).
I also am averaging missing 12 out of the 40.</p>
<p>Any suggestions?</p>
<p>I seem to do really well on 3-4 of the passages and then BOMB 1-2 of them.</p>
<p>I'm taking too long on the science portion (usually 10 minutes over).
I also am averaging missing 12 out of the 40.</p>
<p>Any suggestions?</p>
<p>I seem to do really well on 3-4 of the passages and then BOMB 1-2 of them.</p>
<p>tell me your stradegy of doing the questions… Most of the CCers (including me) find it easier to first read the questions and then look at the graphs (except for the contrasting view passage which you would treat as a reading passage)</p>
<p>I just go over it rather leisurely, I feel like looking straight at the questions really confuses me on exactly what is going on.</p>