<p>On my June ACT I scored a 34.0 composite:
E 34
M 35
R 36
S 31
For my Superscore I have a 35.0 composite:
E 35
M 36
R 36
S 33</p>
<p>Obviously my problem is science and this stems from my inability to finish the section.
However, I have a 5 in AP Chem, Computer Science, and Bio. I also have an 5 in English Lang, US Gov, and Calc BC.</p>
<p>That said, as a rising Senior, do I still need to worry about my ACT for the Stanford, MIT, CMU caliber schools?</p>
<p>Oh my god, I hate sophomores so much.</p>
<p>Anyway, NOOOOOOO. Your ACT is great! No need to ever retake. Seriously.</p>
<p>Just because you have 5s in all those science classes does not mean you will get or should get a 36. ACT tests science REASONING, not science knowledge.</p>
<p>Now, to answer your question, yes, you should retake it and try to get a 35 composite. If the only reason you get a 31 in science is because of time, you can easily solve that by just practicing more. Practice more so you experience more questions and this will reduce the chance of you encountering a question, graph, etc. that you do not know.</p>
<p>All in all, MIT is a very competitive school and many apply with 35s and 36s. If you have loads of ECs and volunteering hours packed on with that 34, then you are good to go. If you are all brains and do nothing else, then you’ll need that 35.</p>
<p>Of course, I am not part of the ADCOM, so you never know.</p>
<p>Best of luck!</p>
<p>I got a 36 composite on my ACT; like you I found the science section most challenging simply because it’s weird and no other standardized test is like it. I probably should have taken some practice science tests before I took the real thing, but I did pretty okay without
<p>My advice is to forget everything you learned in your science APs. You don’t need it. The science test is trying to overload you with information. It’ll give you like a paragraph and three graphs and all you need to answer the questions are two sentences from the paragraph and to notice that the slope of one graph is negative. Since time is the only issue here, SKIM the main passage (spend like thirty seconds max on it) and then go right to the questions. If you have to read a chunk of the passage again to answer a question, fine. Just practice, see how fast you can go and how little of the question you can get away with reading.</p>
<p>IF the ACT Science section tested actual AP chemistry/biology/physics knowledge 99% of the people would receive a 36</p>