Score my essay plz

<p>Did this a while back and wanted to have a general idea how people think it would be graded.</p>

<p>Assignment: Are people better at making observations, discoveries, and decisions if they remain neutral and impartial? Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.</p>

<p>Throughout the years objective reasoning has been long sort after in both schools and academic research projects. However, this has never been fully achieved due to the opinion based nature of humans. Whether it may be in a high school setting or a million dollar scientific research lab, objective research can be said to be merely an idealistic theory due to human nature.
Personal biases are inevitable. Whether it may be a high tech lab full of expensive super computers or an old, meager, dusty high school classroom, people’s personal perception would forever play a role in the research process. For example, just recently my teacher divided our large information technology class into three groups to measure the speed of the old schools’ computer processor using imported equipment from New York City. As we each took turns measuring the speeds, everyone had their own interpretation of the results and each person suggested a different way they considered the “best way” measure the speed. Everyone failed. Each person had their own perception of how the project should be done and no one thought to be objective while following the rules that were taught to us just a few weeks prior to the project. Human nature will forever take hold when an individual’s input or interpretation is needed.
As previously mentioned, objectivity is just as impossible to obtain in a scientific research laboratory. Even with all the training scientist go through in their careers and told repeatedly to follow certain procedures and interpret things a certain way, biases will occur at some stage of the research process. Although these biases can in some cases, jeopardize the finding the findings to be gathered from the project, this bitter-sweet characteristic we all possess is what makes us human. Scientist may come close to achieving such objective results desired due to the iterative nature of some research projects but as aforementioned, unless we give up every that makes us humans and become brainless steel robots, biases will occur and impartialness will not be fully achieved.
To conclude, human by nature are opinion based creatures who see the same thing in many different ways based on their individual perception. To want full objectivity is to want a brainless steel robot to do the research.</p>