Score my esssayyyy(:

<p>Assignment: Is the world changing for the better?</p>

<p>World change is consistent change. Wars occurring throughout the world exemplify a type of change; legislative bills being passed or vetoed in the United State Congress is another type of change. Past civilizations, even ones as recent as in the 17th century, have been overall barbaric. Considering where the world is now, it is apparent that the world is changing for the better.</p>

<p>From a historical perspective, the French Revolution is a prime example of the world changing for the better at a specific time. Initially, a group known as the National Assembly defined their unequivocal purpose. They swore to never disband until a new form of government was created, breaking away from the archaic and unjust ways of French society. The National Assembly drafted a document known as the Right of Man that guaranteed equal individual rights to all French citizens. Although plagued by unforgiving events in the violent revolution that followed, the Right of Man remained intact. To this very day, French citizens are give equal rights under this unprecedented document. The National Assembly's action to create a change and the existence of that change today exemplify the world changing for the better.</p>

<p>From my personal observations in a more recent time, I noticed the world changing for the better with the development of a new medicine. This novel prognosis aided my grandmother in a time of sickness and calamity. Recent scientific research made it possible for my grandmother to battle successfully the ailment that was killing her. To this day, however, she remains healthy and unscathed due to this unprecedented treatment. Undeniably, this new medicine exemplifies the world changing for the better in the scientific field.</p>

<p>Certainly, the world in in a state of constant change. It is apparent in the both history and personal observations that the world is changing solely for the better.</p>

<p>Whatcha thinkk?</p>

<p>Thats probably the easiest SAT Essay Topic I have ever seen…***</p>

<p>Dude i could write 3 pages on world change…</p>

<p>Are you international ?</p>

<p>It’s one of the prompts in the blue book.</p>