<p>So basically I am 99% sure a teacher is screwing me out of a grade. Sorry in advance if it's kind of long.</p>
<p>It started near November when I noticed on one of my lab grades that I got a 0 on it. I approached the teacher about it and questioned him why, and he replied that it was because I was a bad student and that he "distinctly remembered" the work being messy and what not (basically him saying my work was horrible). I disagreed with this and asked to see the paper he graded and at this point he was claiming that he gave it back to me and I was the one responsible for my papers. (Keep in mind that I'm a straight A student with the occassional B here and there). Since this was a group assignment, I asked my friend what he got and he told me that he got a different grade than me. So I re approached the teacher the next day and asked him about this, and he responded to me by yelling at me (or close to that) that I shouldn't be asking what other people got for their grades (even though he was in my group?). We all handed in the same paper so it's not like mine was different than my group member's. He then changed his argument to I never did it and wouldn't change it even though he knew I was in this kid's group. He told me that I needed to produce proof to him to change the grade and that he handed the paper back to me (which goes against him saying I never did it?). In the end, we got into an argument and he ended up giving me a 100 for the grade. However he was MAD about this, someone in my class told me he was shaking his head at me behind my back for a good minute or two afterwards.</p>
<p>So about 2 weeks later, after the midterm report came out online, I noticed that he gave me a 68 for a participation grade!!!!! This grade was worth 25% of our final grade too. I'm generally a good kid in class too (like above says, straight As). Also he randomly gave me a 50 on a test that I never took (the test was given a few weeks before and I was doing some community service that day for the school). So when I approached him about this weird 50% test grade, he wouldn't talk to me about it and said to come back when he wasn't busy. I tried talking to him 3 times that day, once during a break where he was joking with kids and another one at the end of the block. He kept saying that he wasn't going to discuss this with me and that there was a simple answer to my question yet he still wouldn't tell me. At this point I was pretty heated and we got into an argument again that ended up me getting written up.</p>
<p>So I went to the principle and vice principle about this matter and nothing was changing until my parent got involved in the matter. My parent, the teacher, the guidance counselor, the principle, and the vice principle all ended up in a meeting. I wasn't called in until after the teacher left for whatever reason. When I got called in I was told that this teacher said that I threatened him in class (I ABSOLUTELY NEVER DID) and he claimed he gave out some grading rubric for the participation grade. I never got it, nor did anyone in the class or the other class he taught, so I assume he just made it up like the day before. He said that the reason he gave me 0s on the lab grades was because my name was never on it (note: changing his story for the third time). So in the end, a compromise was made that the test grade would be as it was, and that they would get rid of my participation grade but then grade me double on my next participation grade from this point on to the end of the year. The reason for keeping the 50% on the test was because I had a month to make it up and that I never did (even though last quarter he let us make up tests whenever we wanted to...).</p>
<p>So I went about doing my business, making sure I was the perfect student in that class as my grade depended on it. I went to some extra credit saturday school thing, and he promised everyone a day before that even if we went for an hour or two we would all get 50/50 for a test grade (which is what he did last time he had an extra credit saturday school). I left after 2 hours because I had to go to work. I learned later that week from a friend that he told their class (he didn't even tell my class) that he was only giving people who stayed a short time (ie me) only partial extra credit. I thought this was absolutely ridiculous because he had told us that we would all get 50/50 even if he went for just a couple hours. When final grades came out, he gave me a 78 for my participation grade (I literally deserved 100, I did absolutely nothing wrong in that class) and I went to the principle about this and the extra credit. After meeting seperately a few times with me and the teacher, they finally agreed that the extra credit and the participation grade was fair, which I thought was absolutely ridiculous. I claimed that the participation grade came from the teacher holding a grudge against me, and they said I was imagining it. But yet I was attentive in that class, I took notes, I did all the homework, I went to extra credit, didn't use my cell phone or anything distracting nor did I talk when I wasn't supposed to be.</p>
<p>I've went to the guidance counselor and another teacher about this, and they are both 100% on my side but they can't do anything about it. My school (and the superintendant) has a reputation of not caring what parents think and always taking the teacher's side. What do I do now?</p>
<p>Basically if you didn't read this (super long I know) here are the key points -
- Teacher made up fake lab grades (which he lied about and hesitantly changed)
- Teacher gave me a 50% on a test that I never even took
- Teacher lied about me threatening him in class and gave me a 68 for participation out of him not liking me
- Compromise was reached with administration
- Teacher still gave me a low participation grade and changed his grading policy to keep me from getting a B-
- Administration sided with teacher despite obvious proof, compromise was pretty much broken</p>