Screwed up in high school

<p>Is there any type of redemption for screwing up in high school? Or is it like having academic std for life. I screwed up; I'll say that straight up. My GPA in HS is poor; I can't even look at it. I didn't give a damn at the time or nobody even showed me a valid a reason to care. I was more trying to survive high school than anything from actually learning something I wanted to know. </p>

<p>I focused on making money, than going to college. Got greedy, lost it all. Only thing I've been looking towards for any hope or redemption at all. I know relying on hope is the first step of disappointment. </p>

<p>For a better academic future is going into special warfare operations. This is what I've wanted to do for years. In order to become an Officer you need a degree, but I'm a type of person that never settles for second best.</p>

<p>I've always been interested learning the science field such as genetics, and physics even learning it on my own at the moment. Thing is I want to go to a worthy University, that even learning irrelevant information is worth it. Been at a public university I just don’t feel accomplished. </p>

<p>I realize the reality like getting accepted into a school such as Yale may be a pipe dream. If I do succeed in special warfare for instance, and study my ass off for act, and sat. Get a good score. Would I still have a chance at anything such types of schools like Yale regardless of my bad high school performance?</p>

<p>Sounds like one of those underdog stories. Community college is your best option. Look for a good one in your state. Believe it or not, many top schools including Yale recruit at cc’s looking for underprivileged brilliant kids. Get an amazing SAT, nail a 4.0, do community service, do something outstanding for an EC and you got it in the bag. You can also think about a cc and then go to a state school and then onto Yale for grad school. It won’t be easy, but don’t count yourself out yet.</p>



<p>I commend your diction.</p>

<p>Are you still in high school?</p>

<p>Where do you live now? Advice to follow.</p>

<p>I’d go into a state school or community college, work your way to a stellar GPA, find an EC you care deeply about, and you’d have a chance at transferring as a junior.</p>

<p>Well thank you for actually giving me some light that all is not lost. I’ll do my best to make it brief. I’m 22 now, as I grow older I fear time is running out for me. I’m slowly paying off what I owe my state college, before I go back in a couple of months. Haven’t been back for years, but still registered been working with them to get back in.</p>

<p>From good ole NE. I never taken the SAT,ACT not even in high school. My passion was first business, and still is but not as it use to be based off experience.</p>

<p>As for EC goes, if anyone could advise me the best course for EC like Yale one day. The best thing I accomplished in high school was soccer. Scoring the most goals, my senior year. </p>

<p>After high school, I just made my daily income off day-trading stocks. Then invested building a business that took off after high school. Mostly been self-employed most of my life. </p>

<p>Sold the assets, paying off what I owe. Now moving on .
Anyways, but for years I’ve wanted to become a Navy SEAL. I’m going for it; I have nothing to lose really.</p>

<p>I have an insurance license-health but its inactive, didn’t appeal to me much. Working on a Real Estate license/broker before I join the military. If I have time too, property insurance license as well. Been part of the Real Estate investment clubs, always took part in their discussions. Hopefully put it on the club list at my state college.</p>

<p>So is this may be good for EC? I have no problem doing community service. Thats what kept me busy for 4-5 years.Looking back, I have more passion for the science field all along. Genetics and Physics have always got my attention for its accomplishments of ideas, and inventions benefiting humanity. </p>

<p>Even looking into building my own lab already, doing the prep work.
So I’m aiming for my MBA, physics, and biomedical engineering. Hopefully get all under my belt and juggling the military life at the time around age 30 or so. </p>

<p>Before I didn’t have a sense of direction, I just wanted to make money. Now I do so if any of you can advise me the best courses of actions for serious of objectives ahead of me. As for acdemics std, was just a Metaphor joke.</p>

<p>[Columbia</a> University School of General Studies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“]Columbia”>Columbia University School of General Studies - Wikipedia)</p>

<p>Columbia has a school of General Studies for untraditional students like you- so does Harvard. [Harvard</a> University Extension School](<a href=“]Harvard”> and Penn. [Liberal</a> & Professional Studies Degrees & Programs | Penn LPS](<a href=“]Liberal”>The College of Liberal and Professional Studies (LPS))</p>

<p>IDK about Yale, but this could be a way for you to go. Not cheap, though.</p>