<p>Is there any type of redemption for screwing up in high school? Or is it like having academic std for life. I screwed up; I'll say that straight up. My GPA in HS is poor; I can't even look at it. I didn't give a damn at the time or nobody even showed me a valid a reason to care. I was more trying to survive high school than anything from actually learning something I wanted to know. </p>
<p>I focused on making money, than going to college. Got greedy, lost it all. Only thing I've been looking towards for any hope or redemption at all. I know relying on hope is the first step of disappointment. </p>
<p>For a better academic future is going into special warfare operations. This is what I've wanted to do for years. In order to become an Officer you need a degree, but I'm a type of person that never settles for second best.</p>
<p>I've always been interested learning the science field such as genetics, and physics even learning it on my own at the moment. Thing is I want to go to a worthy University, that even learning irrelevant information is worth it. Been at a public university I just dont feel accomplished. </p>
<p>I realize the reality like getting accepted into a school such as Yale may be a pipe dream. If I do succeed in special warfare for instance, and study my ass off for act, and sat. Get a good score. Would I still have a chance at anything such types of schools like Yale regardless of my bad high school performance?</p>