So my essay was about the transition to adulthood… I mentioned how I transitioned but I forgot about the part about "in your community. Everyone said my essay is fantastic and I got an A+ in my common app for an class assignment for English class. I kind of implied it bit didn’t state the community in general. It was a clear transition. How screwed am I for admissions?
Oh and if anyone wants to read my essay, pm me
If you’ve sent it, then what’s the use of other people reading it?
So people can see my essay and state their opinion on the context
Once you hit the SUBMIT button, the only opinion that matters is that of the AdComm.
Stop beating yourself up over this.
It’s done.
Enjoy the daylight now that you have it, have some breakfast, get your homework done, put away the Halloween stuff, take out your fall clothes, read the Sunday paper.
The essay is over.
I have a friend who misspelled “family” and “burden” in his UC app. He was accepted to all of the UC he applied to including UCLA and Berkeley. You will be fine. If they deny you it won’t be because of that.
I don’t think it sounds like a problem. Go work on your other apps.
I’m sorry, I get that you’re freaked. I posted something earlier here about how I accidentally put a phrase in one of my essays in all caps and I freaked out. Someone PMed me and said that her kid got into stanford even though she wrote “food panties” instead of “food pantries”. I think you’ll be ok, colleges encourage common app prompts to be taken very generally. They just want to see the quality of your writing. Also, most care more about their supplemental essays than about the common app essay. Best of luck
@GMTplus7 Always with the sassy responses, rarely with a useful answer
I don’t see anything sassy or unhelpful about GMT’s answers. They are accurate. No changing it now, plenty of other apps to work on right now. Move along…
@zhangj81119 you are fine. Read the prompt again. It is not just your community. It is also your family or culture.
My helpful response was there’s no need for OP to waste time fishing for irrelevent opinions .
And just how generally helpful are you? What’s your “Helpful” count?
@appliicantcor ,
I realize you’re very new here.
There’s no need to be insulting. If you can offer some better advice to the OP, then please do.
But please refrain from insulting anyone, particularly someone who has helped as many people here as GMTplus7 . It’s not necessary, it’s not accurate, and it serves only to alienate someone who is here to help others.
Okay, thanks a ton for everything!