See if you can rate this one!

<p>3.64 UW
3.70 Cumulative
3.96 W (school does not release W-GPA)</p>

<p>2150 SAT</p>

<p>720 Math SAT
will take Physics & Math(again)</p>

<p>AP: APCS (A, A), AP Calc A (A)
IP: AP Bio, AP Econ, AP Calc B/C
H: PCal H (B, A), Physics H (A, A), AmLit H (B, B), Chem H (B, B)
IP: Sp. 4 H</p>

<p>UCLA, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UCSD, UCSB</p>

<p>Cal Poly SLO</p>

<p>Purdue, CMU, Urbana-Champaign, Princeton, U-Mich (Ann-Arbor), Rice, WUSTL</p>

<p>Robotics (Coding & Chassis Team), Honor Student, NHS, DECA Officer</p>

<p>Did very well in 2011 Stanford Programming Competition.</p>

<p>Eagle Scout, Intern at startup, Accomplished Instrumental Musician, </p>

<p>I'm applying for Computer Engineering (except EECS at Berkeley) and Mechanical Engineering wherever a fallback option is available.</p>

<p>What do you think? Thanks!</p>

<p>Princeton: reach
Rice, CMU and Wash U: reach
ucb, ucla: reach</p>

<p>Michigan: decent chances
UIUC: decent chances
Purdue: great chances</p>

<p>don’t know much about other colleges</p>

<p>good luck to you</p>

<p>GPA isn’t the best, and to be honest your EC’s are pretty weak.
Assuming you’re in state, I’d say you’re in at the UC’s except Berkeley and UCLA, which may be high matches/low reaches, but I don’t know enough about in state.
Don’t know much about Poly, Purdue and Illinois are probably matches. CMU and Michigan may be high matches, Rice and WashU (low) reaches. Highly doubt Princeton.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks for your reply.</p>

<p>Thanks. I only listed the EC’s briefly. For my instrumental accomplishmens, I have won a First Place award, and 4 second place awards at statewide competitions. Also, I have been a part of two concerts where the entirety of the money raised from ticket sales goes to building schools in third-world countries.</p>

<p>Also I am instate, just to clarify.</p>

<p>Oh, placing 1st in the state makes a huge difference. Be sure to elaborate on your EC’s. As long as your awards are recent and not from 2nd grade, I’d say your music boosts you up by a lot.</p>

<p>Also does 3 years of varsity badminton make any difference? I heard that sports doesn’t matter for UC’s.</p>

<p>Sorry for replying so many times. Yes, these awards are from 9th grade and onwards.</p>