See it all in one day?

<p>DD is a junior in hs this year and very interested in Miami. Thinking about flying down from NY for one day to visit campus. I think we can do info session, tour and another tour of Comm School all before about 4:00pm. Then a flight out at 9:30pm. Has anyone done this? Will we get a good feel of the school/area within that time?</p>

<p>I went and visited over the summer. I spent about 2 days in Miami. One was touring the city, and one was touring the school. I got a good feeling about the school in one day.</p>

<p>I was at UMiami for 3 weeks this summer for the summer scholar program. I still haven’t seen all of the school, but I was definitely able to get a feel for the school in the first few days. They gave us a tour during orientation so I’m sure you’ll be able to get a feel for the school. You may not be able to get a complete feel for the city though.</p>

<p>A single day is fine. I took only one day and am now at Miami.</p>

<p>Definitely try to sit in on a class, eat the food on campus, talk to students, ask questions. The campus is small and only needs an hour max to get thru it all</p>

<p>An hour? What did you do, run? LOL!</p>

<p>It will not take all day, but more than an hour for sure! I second sitting in on a class, also visit the department head if possible. My D did this and interviewed HIM. She asked lots of questions about research opportunities, etc.</p>

<p>Great, thanks for the posts. She has a friend that goes there so we may be able to sit in on one of her classes. Tickets are booked and off we go!</p>

<p>Have your daughter’s friend check with her professors to make sure it’s OK to sit in. Some profs. get a little grouchy with surprise visitors. Otherwise ask Admissions to set something up. </p>

<p>A full day is plenty of time to see and experience campus. Hopefully you’re flying in the night before.</p>

<p>We live about 45 min - an hour away and went for one of their open houses last year. It started early and ended in the early afternoon. Although we didn’t sit in on a class or talk to anyone like a dept head, by the time we were done with the campus tour (in 90 degree heat !!) we got a good feel for the campus (loved it) and was sold that day…actually getting accepted or paying for it is another issue. Quite sure my D is not attending but its a great campus. I"m sure you could do it in a day (if you came in the night before) spend the entire day and feel pretty good about it. If you’re totally loving it, just add another day. :)</p>

<p>We had 24 hours for our first visit and thought we got a good feel for UM. If you plan your day out ahead of time, you should be able to fit quite a bit into one day. Also, since your D is only a junior, you’re just looking to get a general feel of the school, any real specifics can be addressed senior year. The late flight out gives you a good opportunity to check out Sunset Place mall and/or the Coconut Grove area for a nice dinner. Monty’s is a great happy hour/dinner spot on the water by the Grove, frequented by lots of UM kids. This will give you a feel for where the students hangout on weekends. Have a great visit!</p>

<p>The nice thing about UM is that you are in Miami! Why rush back? The extra day wil be worth it to see the area. </p>

<p>Most college visits are just a day, as you drive there and see that school and maybe head off to visit another. </p>

<p>Are you closer to JKF/LGA tha Islip? We always fly from Islip to Ft. Lauderdale and use htat airport though less convenient if you live in western Nassau Cty. Ft. Lauderdale and Islip airports are so much easier to deal with!</p>

<p>Good luck and have fun!</p>

<p>We are only 25 mins from LGA, so will drive, leave car, catch 6:00am flight, and fly back on 9:30pm. Looking forward to it. Not doing a stay over because trying to save $$ and we will also be doing a California trip sometime in the next few months. </p>

<p>Thanks for all the input</p>