Visiting Next Weekend, Recommendations?

<p>Recommendations for anything? Food in the area? What to do while on campus? We've got family in the area so I've got housing covered. Recommendations for anything else would be much appreciated.</p>

<p>South Beach =] I did the summer scholar program at UM this summer and they took us their and it was amazing… although I got wicked burnt. There’s a lot to do around that area as well. There is also Sunset Place and Coconut Grove…
Other than that, I’d visit the school within UM that you plan on attending… like the comm school, music, business, etc.</p>

<p>Do you sign up in advance to visit the specific school within UM or is that something you set up there? Also, do you know if there is a way I can sit in on a class?</p>

<p>I’m not sure how you can do that, but I’m sure if you contacted UM they would let you know. There is also a website to schedule a campus tour and such: [Visit</a> UM | University of Miami](<a href=“]Visit”></p>

<p>Contact the Department Head of your intended major. My daughter wanted to sit in on a class and they were very accommodating. They also arranged for a current student in her major (marine science/biology) to give her a private tour. This was great because he answered all her major specific questions. She was on the fence about Miami, but after attending a class was SOOOO excited about the school. She had sat in on classes at Cornell and found the Professors to be cold. They came in, lectured, walked out. No interaction with the students. The professor in the class she attended was really interested in her and the other students. That is one of the things she loves the most about Miami, the Professors are so approachable and genuinely interested in the students.</p>

<p>I discovered that as well when I was there this past summer… the professors give you their cell phone numbers and everything… my classmates and I called whenever we had questions and they were more than willing to talk to us not only about our grades and the class, but about anything. I’m even facebook friends with one of my professors from the program as well as the women who runs the whole program. It’s definitely one of the things I love about UM!!!</p>

<p>Of course off campus there’s great food…it doesn’t hurt to try the cafeteria food (its 7$ for all you can eat)</p>

<p>But right across the campus there’s a new restaurant which is supposed to be really good…its called “Smoke’t BBQ”. they have everything though.</p>

<p>you could also see if you could stay over with a student. DEFINITELY sit in on a class.</p>

<p>Thanks for the great recommendations guys.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, CC did not email me that you guys did respond so I didn’t get to use any of the suggestions :(</p>

<p>My visit went well. Of course it rained a bunch of the time I was on campus. I thought the horn notifying the students of an approaching storm was an awesome touch.</p>

<p>I did NOT get to sit in on a class because the business school did not answer when I called. I feel like I missed out on a lot not getting to do that.</p>

<p>I did take a tour with four (maybe five) awesome tour guides who knew whatever I wanted to know about the school pretty much. The dorms (although small) look like an awesome atmosphere to be in. The cafeteria food was superb although I wasn’t thrilled with the other options available.</p>

<p>I’m also pretty sure I saw Andre Johnson on campus for you Canes that follow football. I’m assuming he was in Miami for the probowl and he was on campus Monday the 25th of January if I’m not mistaken. I did not get a good look at him though.</p>

<p>I think the rain killed some of the student activity of the day and the campus looked kind of bleak (although one of the prettiest campuses I’ve ever seen during the rain). However, as soon as the rain passed, the students were out again.</p>

<p>One of our tour guides showed us around for a few minutes afterwords and we got to ask him a few more specific questions which was nice.</p>

<p>After visiting a bunch of the other schools still on my list (Georgetown, UVA, Maryland, Wake Forest, Texas, Tennessee, etc), if Miami is one of my favorites I will take another trip down and sit in on classes/stay with a student overnight.</p>

<p>Thanks again for the help guys.</p>