Seeking Advice on College Choices [international student; 4A*, 3A, 1B O-level; 2B, 1C AS-level; 1330 SAT]

yes most schools I am apply to have a mean score less than 1200 since most of the colleges on my list are safeties

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So difference in SAT 1330 vs 1380 may mean only some scholarship vs. no scholarship. This probably will work best in case of automatic scholarships based on SAT score at some schools (like Alabama, but I know nothing about Alabama and their cut offs, so check their website. ) Also schools may differentiate approach for scholarship for domestic and international students. They totally get that international may come without scholarship (if they have money), and domestic have a lot of choices…

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My two nieces did it for Touro college. One got higher automatic scholarship due to hard cut off. I was also very surprised with taking SAT in spring by seniors…

No -but make sure your GC (or the person performing that role) mentions it. The wording I used is appropriate it you want an example.

i was getting 1380/1400 while i was practicing at home so if it increase my chances for scholarship ill def go for it. i just hope the colleges accept it

got it! thankyouu

It is case by case. Unfortunately unless scholarship based on SAT is mentioned by college on the website, it is not very likely. I would not bank on it…

university of alabama mentions 15 k scholarship on 1330-1350 score along with 3.50 gpa

If you have converted GPA as 3.5, apply now. You do not need better SAT there.

we dont have a GPA system here but @MYOS1634 Converted it to be 3.78 uwGPA

UA and UAH both have a 1330 cut off for a scholarship level but then it varies wrt the score necessary for the next level.
At UAH the next cut off is 1440, however at UA a 1360 moves your scholarship from $15,000 to $24,000. At Troy, a 3.7 GPA and 1360 may mean full tuition. Though if your uncle can afford it (the total would still be well under the budgrt he gave you), UAlabama Honors at near-full tuition is WAY better than Troy (even Honors).
In any case that’s A LOT of money for just 30 extra points so I’d say to go for the December SAT.
UAlabama will honor the highest SAT sent and the December SAT “counts” if you list them as one of your 4 recipients and list the test date on your application. (So you’d list your 1st test score&date + a 2nd date of Dec 4, so they’d know a score is pending.)
Don’t forget to apply to these three universities’ Honors Colleges and to check out U Birmingham.

What do you want to study? Physics?Engineering ?


I will go for december SAT for sure then! and will apply to honors college too (btw with my grades do i have a chance to get into honors?) so I did took engineering subjects during my olevels and Alevels but I am considering switiching to something like marketing

Be aware that nowadays marketing requires a lot of data analysis or statistics coursework to be worth it (they won’t require it but marketing majors earn much less if they don’t take those classes. ) that being said, with A Level maths, you can start in calc based statistics without a problem (NOT “elementary stats” which is typically a “light” class for kids who have not taken calculus).

If the standard UK to US conversion is used then yes you have a good shot at Honors college but of course it’s more competitive than "just"admission.

Show the “standard conversion scale” to your GC to know whether that’s the one they use in their school profile&documents.

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thanks for the heads up! ill keep that in my min.I am still hesitant in picking a major i mean its daunting to choose something at 18 years of age and do it for the rest of your life lol I am more of a creative person so marketing seemed a good fit

A good thing in the US is that it’s relatively easy to switch majors. So you can indicate you hope to major in Marketing but you’ll still need to take the basic 1st year business curriculum that allows you to pivot to most majors except Engineering.
Regardless of major, in your 1st year you’ll be taking English, Math, Economics, Intro to business classes each semester, and 2 courses of your choice (probably marketing 300 in the spring).

You’d take courses for the Statistics minor as a sophomore, junior and senior (5 courses total)


Uh oh. I just looked, and U of Alabama’s tuition for international students is very high, about 53K. Add in room and board, and you’re looking at about 70K. A 15K scholarship won’t mean anything against that. Not an option.

Here is relevant information for Univ of AL-Huntsville. Scroll to the bottom where they address visas and affidavit of financial support. This may give you guidance to apply toward any school in consideration.

UAH does seem to be an affordable option based on the merit scholarships you’d qualify for.

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No. I think that includes everything, including room and board:
Required Funding & Estimated Expenses – International | The University of Alabama (

53k= includes costs for 12 months of rent for a studio off campus, health insurance for self&spouse, summer tuition, course fees, books, etc. The real cost of attendance is about 38-40k, so with the 15k (or, better, the 24k) scholarship and OP’s uncle 35k OP is fully funded.
Presumably, OP will be living on campus during the year and with his uncle during the summer and can include that on his certificate of finance.

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I don’t understand how you arrive at that “real COA”.

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