Seen any good movies lately?

Great movie!

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Downeast. 2021 movie about “the seedy underbelly of Maine.”

Blow the Man Down - another great Maine-based movie.

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Watched it tonight, on your recommendation. Really good. Can’t believe we hadn’t seen it.


We enjoyed After the Sunset, an old comedy with Woody Harrelson and Pierce Brosnan (Amazon Prime). It’s kind of silly but it made us laugh.

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We saw Napoleon yesterday at 11:30. Empty theater! (6 others). It was good. I liked it, but didn’t love it. It’s very long at 2:38. The first two hours I felt moved very quickly. Once they hit waterloo, it seemed to drag.

Napoleon was a very weird dude.


While he was surely weird, the film is not historical so we have 5 or 6 key battles, his complicated love story with Josephine, and quite a bit of made-up stuff.
For instance, his family was old nobility and his father a respected lawyer with connections, so while not wealthy, the family was doing well for Corsica at the time… but it’d have ruined the tagline :wink: Or the cool quote about finding the crown in the dirt is actually from the British doctor who “guarded” him on the island of StHelen, who’d written it in his memoirs as sth Napoleon could have said. Fiction can take some license as long as it makes for a good film, eh :person_shrugging:t4:

In 1981 saw the old silent movie Napoleon (1927 Abel Gance director) on three screens with Carmine Coppolla’s conducting live the music he wrote for it. I’m not sure I can watch any other version of the story. I don’t think anything will ever equal that experience.

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Just saw “Saltburn”. Meh. Visually appealing but overwrought . Made me want to rewatch Talented Mr Ripley then Brideshead. Total of 7 previews. I’d check out “American Fiction”. Funny.


Netflix - yogi Berra docu, “It ain’t over” fascinating, well made docu, even more compelling becuase I knew so little about Yogi —— highly recommend even if you aren’t a baseball fan.


We watched Miracle again the other night. That just might be my favorite movie of all time. Every…single…time… I get so worked up and excited over who’s going to win. I KNOW who’s going to win and exactly how. But it gets me every…single…time…


This month I saw Saltburn, Dream Scenario, The Holdovers, and Napoleon.

I agree with earlier post re Saltburn. There were some semi graphic gratuitous scenes that did not add anything to the story. The premise of class differences and longing has been done before and I too will choose to watch The Talented Mr. Ripley over this film.

Dream Scenario had an odd premise but was entertaining. There was a live Q&A with the Director after the screening that I enjoyed. He was down to earth.

The Holdovers is my top pick of the films I saw. Paul Giamati delivered a great performance, as per usual, and the other principal actors held their own. There were class differences in this film too but the focus was on what we have in common.

Saw Napoleon in IMAX in a very crowded theater. It was what one would expect—visually stunning and of course Joaquin was his usually sullen self.

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H and I saw The Holdovers yesterday. I thought it was great, H liked it. But it is sad.