Select 16, not HADES

<p>For those hung up on prestige, Peter Cookson and Caroline Hodges Persell identified the "Select 16" in their book, Preparing for Power: America's Elite Boarding Schools. The Select 16 are:</p>

Episcopal High School (VA)
Hill School (PA)
Phillips Andover Academy
Phillips Exeter Academy
St. George's School
St. Mark's School
St. Paul's School
Taft School
Woodberry Forest School (VA)</p>

<p>Other schools are also prestigious. From the Harvard Crimson, I found an article about the advantages of prep schools, which mentions Roxbury Latin, Boston Latin, and Stuyvesant, as well as the Select 16. The</a> Harvard Crimson :: News :: Preparatory schools & The admissions process.</p>

<p>those are definitely the schools most often mentioned on cc, with the exception of woodberry i believe. i haven’t heard of it until now, so i can’t account on its greatness of anything…</p>

<p>My Choate interviewer made fun of Woodberry. He was an alumni interviewer in my city. I asked him if I seemed like a good fit(I was expecting the same old, “yes, you will find a home here”.) He told me that if I was applying to Woodberry he said that he would have tried to explain why it isn’t like a classic New England boarding school. I’m supposedly more of the “classic New England” schools look for according to him.</p>

<p>^ LOL nice XD</p>