Self-Studying for the AP Exams

<p>Please list:
AP test you took,
the study book you used,
how long you studied for,
and your score on the exam</p>

<p>Macroeconomics - Princeton Review/Cliff Notes - 5
Microeconomics - Princeton Review/Cliff Notes - 5
Psychology - Barron’s - 5
Biology - Cliff Notes - 5
Statistics - Barron’s - 5
Human Geography - Cliff Notes - 5
Environmental Science - Cliff Notes - 5</p>

<p>I never actually self studied, but I did take one AP exam, which was AP European History… I used umm, Barron’s I think and I got a 4.</p>

<p>I’m just a little confused, I couldn’t find anything about a Cliff Environmental Science book??? Others have said that Smartypants one is a really good one.</p>

<p>Smartypants was good. I’m not sure if what I used was Cliffs…so I would not…use that haha</p>

<p>lolilaughed- wow nice job. How long did you study for those for?</p>

<p>yeah lolilaughed- im really impressed! how long did you study for ap bio?</p>

<p>^ Thanks, 3 of the classes I took were at school…I self studied Macro and Micro / Human Geo and Environ Science. My AP class @ school for bio prepped me well.</p>

<p>Nice. Did you do all four of those in one year?</p>

<p>Yes, I took them w/ French H.</p>

<p>Has any one found a good AP Japanese book? I know its a new course but we’re petitioning the school to offer it as a course or at least let us self study as a group in a study hall (and hopefully at least get a elective credit for it) and we really could use textbook recs</p>