Sending SAT scores

<p>Hey guys, </p>

<p>I have a question regarding sending my Sat scores to my future colleges.
I just took mine and I received a 2280, but my writing was a 680. I had a friend who also took the SAT and when he sent in his scores to colleges, he told me that he sent in mixed sections of his multiple SATS (the ones he got the best scores on) which added up to 2350. Can you do this? Like, if I study really hard on the next SAT to raise my writing but do not ace my math and CR can I use the scores I got this time to get a higher overall score? Maybe sending scores is different for every college, I'm mainly interested in UCSD and UCLA and UCB.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help.</p>

<p>No, you can only send all your subscores from the test date(s) that you choose. Some schools do “superscoring” which you can probably find out about by searching this site.</p>

<p>You have a 1600/1600. Sit back and relax.</p>