Sending SAT Scores?

<p>I am waiting to receive my December SAT II scores, which will be released on the 22nd. I did not include four schools to automatically receive my scores because I wasn't sure of how well I did, so I wanted to wait until after I saw my scores to make the decision to send them. If I send my scores when I get my results this Tuesday, will the official score report be sent to my colleges in time for January 2 deadlines?</p>

<p>Probably. But don’t worry.
1.) Most schools receive the scores electronically. That’s not “instantaneous” (as soon as you hit the button), because it seems to take College Board a week or so (4-7 days?) to get the scores sent. THEN it’s probably instantaneous. But of course everything is delayed right now due to the holdidays. But…
2.) I contacted one school to which my D just decided to apply, and said we couldn’t get EVERYTHING to them in time, they said “meh, just send the app…we’ll wait another week for the rest” (this is a top 10 school).
3.) What ELSE are you going to do at this point anyway? Why worry?
4.) Most say only a POSTMARK is required (and in this day of technology, an electronic request should suffice).
5.) It takes THEM awhile to get all the received scores/data sorted into your file anyway.
6.) They’ll probably contact you later if you’re missing anything.<br>
7.) If the school says they’ll take the Dec SAT…then it’s all good. No worries. They know the dates they’re released.</p>

<p>Feel better?</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>If it’s really an issue you can send scores with expedited delivery. I’m not really sure what that means when most colleges accept score electronically (maybe the get pushed to the top of the queue or something like that), but I did that with CMU who wanted the application and scores on the same day… and I procrastinated a little bit, I suppose. :)</p>