Senior Grades

<p>How much do colleges look at your senior grades and GPA? I understand that you have to maintain a minimum GPA once you've been accepted but to be accepted do they look at your senior grades? What about earl action/decision. Won't it be too early for them to see any of your grades when you apply?</p>

<p>Early colleges won’t see your first semester grades but may request first quarter grades. For regular decision, senior grades are very important; they aren’t just a “check-up” to make sure you havent failed. After all, senior year represents one whole forth of your high school career and often your most challenging college prep work.</p>

<p>I heard a rumor that a lot of schools are starting to “audit” the senior year of accepted students…I don’t know if they can revoke acceptance but I wouldn’t want to take the risk…keep doing the work all year!!</p>