Senior grades

<p>How poorly do senior grades have to be for UW to revoke your acceptance? I have two C+'s in my hardest classes and the rest are A's and B's. Does UW care about the difficulty of the course?</p>

<p>UW-Madison will take note of the difficulty of the classes so that will help you. Your grades are decent, but definitely try to keep them up second semester. Also, UW-Madison generally won’t revoke someone’s acceptance (unless their grades really fell off and they got D’s or F’s), but it is possible that they put the student on academic probation - which means that the student would have to get at least a 3.0 first semester (or both freshman semesters) next year in order for them to be allowed to continue at Madison! </p>

<p>Be sure you do not slide your final semester. Figure out the best way to study/learn the material. that effort will serve you well in college.</p>