Senior son- No strong interests- except music composition...

I know this issue has been posted in many different ways here, so forgive me. My senior (class of 2018) son is passionate about music, specifically in composing music (music theory). He is not interested in performance and does not want to teach. He does not have a “portfolio” of music created. It’s not very feasible for him to audition for a music major. He plays clarinet in marching band (guitar & piano a bit on the side), but playing clarinet is just okay for him. But, more importantly, he knows and we (parents) know that a music major is probably not going to lead to a job and life that he really loves. I’m afraid a music major might lead to disappointment from lack of jobs and low salary. The biggest problem is that he does not have any other interests. He has 0% idea of what he wants to do as a career. So, here we are in October of senior year and son is quite apathetic about starting college because of all that I just described. He is quite aware of adults still paying back student loans 10 years after college and is afraid of wasting time/money switching majors. We are in Colorado and so far, he would apply to CU Boulder & CSU (3.97 GPA Weighted, 1500 SAT). We have no other college options lined up because of his apprehension about entering college not knowing what he wants to major in. I know some other posts have recommended liberal arts colleges, but I want him to have all options open including engineering which is often lacking at LACs. Do you have any advice for my son or stories of kids who had this same dilemma? Do I let him take a gap year?