<p>how important are they?
especially if your cumulative GPA so far is a 3.8 unweighted
what if i get a B in Calculus =P</p>
<p>Were you admitted EA?</p>
<p>A “B” won’t hurt you. Still, pay attention in that calc class, because you’ll need to be on top of the material to have a relatively stress-free first semester at MIT.</p>
<p>what about regular decision applicants?</p>
<p>i was deferred EA lol
which is why i’m asking</p>
<p>In some cases, students get deferred EA simply because admissions officers want to see how they are doing well into their senior year (as a midyear grade report would reveal). I talked to my guidance counselor this week (I got deferred EA as well) and her only advice was to keep my grades up.</p>
<p>so i’m guessing one B+…in calculus…would be bad? )=</p>
<p>yea…i have a B+ in english. crap</p>
<p>ana, I’m in the deferred-with-a-B±in-calc club with you.</p>
<p>My philosophy is any school that would reject me based solely on that probably isn’t a school I want to go to. Grades aren’t everything.</p>
<p>Grades don’t matter as much as you think they do (a B+ certainly isn’t equivalent to a D or something), but if you try harder and show some improvement, that might work in your favor =)</p>
<p>i am taking 6 APs
and i got too many Bs
does this blow my chances?</p>