Senior Year Grades

<p>When UC’s say that you must maintain a 3.0 GPA, does that mean for the grading period (Such as First Semester/Second Semester Senior Year) or do they mean your cumulative GPA?</p>

<p>It depends on the UC campus. For Cal, it is 3.0 unweighted every semester. For others it is weighted or for the entire year or both. Every UC that offers you admission will list the conditions as part of the offer. </p>

<p>It is never your cumulative GPA for all 3 or 4 years.</p>

<p>It’s 3.0 unweighted each semester for UCLA as well; UCSD likely requires the same thing. Irvine accepted 3.0 weighted average for senior year at some point, but that may have changed. If you are borderline 3.0, you need to call each UC campus to find out the policy.</p>

<p>Every UC is 3.0 weighted except Cal and UCLA where it’s 3.0 UW.</p>