Senior year schedule

my daughter is planning to take the following classes for her high school senior year.

Expository Readibg and writing
Intro to stats
AP Economics/Government
AP Computer Science
Calculus CP

Does this schelule looks rigorous enough for applying to UC’s ?
She took two AP classes in sophomore year, 2 AP and one weighted class Junior year.

Expecting a response

Has she reached level 6 (3rd year) in a foreign language?
What’s her UC GPA?

yes. She did 4 years of foreign language including AP. GPA is around 3.6

If that’s her UCGPA then her odds at a UC are low.
If it isn’t, make the calculation - UC’s factor UCGPA as one of the main criteria.
@Gumbymom ?

How many AP classes are offered at your D’s HS? How does her schedule compare to the top students at her HS?

UC’s look at Senior course rigor but it will be her UC GPA capped weighted, test scores, personal insight essays and EC’s that will determine if she is competitive enough for UC admissions and if she should apply to the UC’s.

UC GPA is determined by 10-11th grades only in her a-g courses. She needs to calculate her capped weighted UC GPA but the UW UC GPA and Fully weighted UC GPA is also part of the calculation.

Here is the calculator and make sure the weighted Junior year class is UC approved.

UC approved a-g courses can be found here for her HS (if a CA resident):

If her UC GPA capped weighted is 3.6, then UC Merced and UC Riverside are worth an application. UC Santa Cruz might also be an option depending upon intended major and test scores.