<p>there is a class at a college that I really want to take. It is during my seventh period next year, and I was considering taking a Study Hall that period. That means, first semester, I'll be leaving 7th period to go to college on Monday and Wednesday. I have T,Th, and F to myself. Second semester, I'll have the entire week off. Is this a bad thing? It is senior slide after all...</p>
<p>Course it’s not a bad thing, you’d be taking a college class. Dual Enrollment is similar. It’s only twice a week.</p>
<p>Plus, I’m a Junior and I took a Study Hall this year. If you have all your requirements at top level (AP, Honors, etc) and are planning something extra (like a college class), then what should a study hall matter?</p>
<p>Lots of people take study halls. It doesn’t look bad at all, at least not in my school…</p>
<p>I don’t think it looks bad. You are taking a college course and that looks great. And people will understand your schedule and that you can’t take an AP course second semester. </p>
<p>I’m a senior taking a full year “office aide” course, where I sit in the office and supposely help the principal, but I never do a thing.</p>
<p>It doesn’t look bad. This year I have a study hall because I took a required class that was only one semester. So, 3 days of the week, I don’t come in till 2nd bell and two days a week I tutor.</p>
<p>Oh, I’d like to add that one guy I know (RLDIII) has 7th bell study hall, so he leaves every day after 6th bell. A bunch of his friends do the same. He’ll be going to Wharton next year.</p>