Hello. Thanks for taking the time to help me.
I’ve taken the ACT twice and got a composite of 27 both times, but did better on the math by 3 points and the science by 1 on my June test. STEM ready.(This would have been the only one I would send in for admissions, since my interest is in engineering.)
My September test is also a 27, but it scores me as not STEM ready. I was sick that day but decided to take it for the practice anyway, not thinking that I would score the same as my previous test. I sent it in to my top university choices by mistake, and I’m planning on sending in my better math scored June test in soon. How can I be sure they look at my June test, and not my September test?
The colleges I sumbitted to were UCBerkeley and UTAustin, I’m mostly concerned about Berkeley.
Will you think it affects their decision dramatically?
What would you do?
Thank you for all of your help.