Seoul National University Chances

Hi everyone I am currently a high school senior in the US. My family holds American citizenship but both my parents grew up in Korea and want me to apply to SNU. I can speak Korean fluently but my writing and reading are a bit weak and it’s my second language.

From what I hear it sounds pretty cut throat but I wanted to see what chance I had as an international student.

I have a low SAT of 1340 but I took 9 AP classes so far (world, bio, studio art 2d, calc ab, calc bc, chem, physics, gov, and lang).
My GPA is 3.93/4 unweighted and 3.24 weighed. I did not take the ACT or SAT subject tests.

I have around 400 volunteer hours and have plenty of extracurriculars.
-TedEd club founder
-Tennis (varsity)
-Orchestra (varsity)
-TSA (3 time national competitor, national semifinalist)
-Link Crew
-ASB (class president, executive board secretary)
-NWABR BioExpo honorable mention
-several art awards

I would like to study neuroscience but I don’t believe they have an undergraduate neuroscience program so I’d most likely apply to something in the biology field.

Thanks for your help! Any information is appreciated!