What are my chances to get into Seoul National University?

Hi y’all, I’m currently an international student in an U.S. High School. I’m looking for a chance to study at Seoul National University in South Korea, or maybe Yonsei University as my 2nd choice. This is an overview of my background:

  • I attended a gifted high school in my hometown (Vietnam) and my GPA is 9.2/10 (which is mostly As)
  • I’m in 11th grade right now in the U.S. and my current weighted GPA is 4.5/5.0 while unweighted GPA is 4.0/4.0
  • SAT: 1450 (i’m trying to improve)
  • SAT Math 2: 800, SAT II Biology M: 770, SAT II Physics: 800
  • I’m in art team and math team of the school, also the president of International Society at my school.
  • I also have several leadership activities in Vietnam namely Model United Nations, English club, studying-abroad club, etc. I also do a lot of charities and I’m also an English teaching-assistant.
    I don’t really look for a scholarship, I just need to get accepted into either SNU or Yonsei so I’m wondering what my chances are with my current background for the admission? Tysm!!

I currently attend Yonsei. For context, I got into both Yonsei and SNU but decided Yonsei.

For SNU, you need to take a Korean administration test (korean & traditional Hanja) which makes it difficult if you are not incredibly acquainted with Korean.

Looking at your Stats, I would say it matches the stats for Yonsei UIC (international division) - high chances!

If you have more questions, PM me!

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