What are my chances for Seoul National University as an international student?

Hey guys I’m a high school senior (Class of 2019) and I’m very interested in studying out of the US. I’ve been looking at schools out of the country to find places with lower tuition, etc. I’m very interested in Seoul National University and I’ve done some research on it but I found it a bit difficult to find the requirements for international students so I could really use some help/advice. I’m interested in learning/studying Korean language/culture, though I don’t know any Korean. My GPA is a 4.6/5.0, my rank is 31/280, SAT 1140, ACT 24, an A/B+ student, fluent in English and Spanish, NHS member, in PALs, Varsity golf 2 years, head Drum Major 2 years, Varsity band 4 years, and a few more extracurricular activities. I’m curious on my chances on applying to SNU as an international student who wishes to pursue learning Korean language. (I’m also curious on what majors are the easiest to get accepted too at SNU as a foreigner.)

Seoul National University the hardest school in Korea to get into. I don’t wanna sound discouraging, but you are definitely not a competitive applicant for SNU. For starters, your SAT and ACT scores are both really low. South Korea is one of the smartest countries in the world, so your test scores would not make the cut. Also, judging by your ECs you wouldn’t stand out as an applicant. You have little leadership positions and no notable awards. Admission into SNU is already extremely hard for South Korean applicants, with an acceptance rate of 0.5%. With international students, that number is likely going to be a lot lower.

Best of luck

What you want to do is to apply to one of the foreign language institutes to learn Korean first if you want a fighting chance. You can’t really do anything at a Korean University without knowing Korean, just like foreign students studying for US universities need to already know English. Yonsei University has one, for example.

Have you seen videos of the English portion of the Korean University entrance exam? They make the ACT and SAT look like child’s play. It is the most intense entrance exam in the world.

I entirely disagree with the first comment, esp about your leadership positions. Getting into SNU as a foreigner is more likely than as a Korean student (though still hard). HOWEVER you have to be at least a TOPIK level 3 to enroll as an undergrad student at any Korean university. Unless you have a very strong base with Korean/are already fluent onversationally, it’ll be much too difficult to reach that level by applications.

I’ve been looking into studying in Korea for years now (and now I’m a rising senior as well !) so here’s my suggestion:
Yonsei has a international division where you CAN enroll as a yonsei student without Korean proficiency. It’s called Underwood International College (webstie: https://uic.yonsei.ac.kr/main/default.asp ).
This is definitely the more competitive option and I think your ECs are good and academically you’re fine but maybe take a shot at the SAT if you can afford to and want to go in this direction.

There is another option: Songdo actually houses Incheon Global Campus (IGC) which is a huge government project to bring in international universities to Korea! They currently house 1 German college and 4 U.S. colleges! So you could get a U.S. degree in Korea, which is a huge benefit. I encourage you to look at the different colleges housed on that campus: http://www.igc.or.kr/en/index.do

They are also super affordable! Tuition for all colleges at IGC are at about 20,000-22,0000 + 1,000 for dorms a year! Compared that to 40-70K in the U.S…
^^ It is also worth noting that the campuses hosted here have a Spring and Fall application season. Since the Korean school year begins in February/March, most Korean applicants will be applying during the Spring season instead of Fall. So your applicant pool will not be against other Koreans but other international students.

I personally will be applying to George Mason at IGC so if you are interested in IGC I am here for you if you have questions :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much for the information! It’s super cool to find another senior who’s looking into studying in Korea :slight_smile: I did some research on Underwood International College and I’m really thinking about applying for the 2nd round on Oct. 8th for Fall 2019. I plan on taking my SAT and ACT again before I apply because I know my scores weigh me down oof. I just hope I stand a chance.

No problem! Wishing you the best of luck~

Also I believe I was mistaken about SNU requiring TOPIK level 3… I just double checked and I guess they don’t require it? I was under the impression that all colleges required it.

It’s great seeing other American students applying full time abroad! I remember posting a thread, and I got ignorant responses about going to college abroad. How can you say an oversees degree is useless when you don’t have an oversees degree? Also, your best bet is to apply to english taught degree programs. No Korean required, you can learn when u get there. I am applying for Yonsei’s UIC.

@gummibear3 did you make it in? they just posted final results last night

@annerache is there any social media’s I could contact you through? I really need another seniors help right now.

Foreigners are not required anything but proof of English language proficiency. The TOPIK is optional. Also, they have lower standards for international students that’s why the required GPA is 2.7/4.0 unlike 3.7/4.0 for Korean students.

That GPA is for all universities?

There’s an scholarship from the Korean government to study in one of 50 universities that they have (SNU is there too If I’m not wrong). It’s basically a full ride and includes a language preparation program. I think its only available for citizens of developing countries but I’m not completely sure so feel free to research more about that, you may find some useful information.

Also I wouldn’t recommend to attend to English programs before doing some research about their quality first. These programs might be less rigorous to the ones tailored in the local language so that might help you out too. Sometimes I tell some of my classmates that if american colleges had the same admissions exams that they had there would be no americans in them :stuck_out_tongue: (I’m just exaggerating, but there’s a chance it could be true)

I any case, It’s really nice to see westerners interested in Asia, I hope you find what you are looking for. :slight_smile:

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I’m really late to the party, but the minimal SAT required to apply to SNU is 1550 for international students in South Korea. I imagine that it is similar for out-of-country applicants.

Are you studying in Korean Universities now? Please tell me??

Please I need help… I want to apply for a graduate study in psychology in Seoul national… My Korean is barely good and I need more information since I’m a Nigerian

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@Mehiwa, it’s bad form to hijack somebody else’s thread: you need to start your own.

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Would you happen to know the SAT score required by Yonsei?

Omg me too! I also want to get my masters in psychology at SNU and im also Nigerian(Igbo) please reach out to me. My email is Coletteatupulazi2020@gmail.com and my insta is @winterflowershower

what about the minimum act score requirements for foreigners?