<p>The part about the heart on the science section was amazingly convenient. We had a quiz in anatomy over EXACTLY what that science question asked. It made me smile profusely.
edit to the person above me:
arteries carry blood away from the heart to the lungs/rest of body, and veins carry blood to the heart</p>
<p>what did everyone put for the one in english that gave you the word "glaring" when talking about the indian mounds? I kept it the same did anyone change ti striking? Also did anyone think the first few english questions were unusually hard?</p>
<p>i just looked it up on google and the artery carries blood away from the heart, and that's the one i put .</p>
<p>yea the vien does carry it away, i think thats wat the answer was for that one, but yea kind of biased i guess. do yall remember wat u got for the tougher math questions/ reading</p>
<p>i put striking instead of glaring. i didn't think glaring made sense.</p>
<p>the fiction was pretty tough</p>
<p>i changed it to striking.</p>
<p>neil veins carry them toward the heart.... I didn't know if it was necessary to replace glaring w/ striking.</p>
<p>i mean artery</p>
<p>the fiction was really confusing...and i spent way too much time on that one :(</p>
<p>idk why, the math was hard for me, because i blindly guessed on 4.
what was the one with the ratio of the base was 1:1 but area was 4:9
what was the altitude ratio?</p>
<p>i put striking as well</p>
<p>i left glaring</p>
<p>i thought the two conflicting viewpoints on the science was the stupidest thing on earth.
edit: the altitude is 4:9 as well
if you have similar triangles who have a 1:1 base and a 4:9 area you have
1/2 (bh) = area of triangle
1/2 (1)(4) = 2
1/2 (1)(9) = 4.5
2/4.5 = 4:9
altitudes had the same ratio as the area
at least thats what I put
I hope that's right, haha</p>
<p>word, x9521. that was total BULL! I left a lot blank for that one.</p>
<p>the ratio thing was 4:9.</p>
<p>Anyone know what the soonest we can find out our scores was?</p>
<p>Remember that math question that was about finding the area of BCED in the coordinate plane? What did you guys get for that?</p>
<p>yeah,what did you put on the one that where they were talking about the fat and it asked an "EXCEPT" question? All I remember is i put A</p>
<p>agreed 4:9</p>
<p>I got 15/2 since that was the closest to what i acutally got.</p>
<p>i don't remember the answer but all you did was take the area of the parallelogram and subtract a right trangle from that.... was it 863? I remember that number for some reason.</p>
<p>it was A, somethin bout cattle chong</p>