<p>Since we only have about 15 days left until SS, Yes!!!
:D, I though that those of us going to Session A should set up a time and a place, at the academy, on Sunday where we can all get together. I was thinking that we could do it earlier on Sunday when everybody is still arriving and the program hasn’t officially started. For those of you who went last year was there a specific time that it started and do any places stick out in your mind of good places to meet beforehand? So for those going if you could just post the times your flight gets in or what time you plan to get to the academy.</p>
<p>My flight gets in at 11:22 am from Chicago so I’ll probably be there by 12:00ish.</p>
<p>Hey usafa21astr! I get into the airport at 9:36 and I am pretty sure that I am getting picked up by someone from the academy at 10:00. I'd like to meet up if you figure out a good place:)</p>
<p>I get in at 11:50 from Denver (Newark-Denver-Colorado Springs). Do you have an ideas as to when we can all meet up?</p>
<p>If we're all getting in at these earlier times we should probably shoot for something around 12:30-1:00, but we'll see who else wants to meet up and their times. We'll also have to see what the SS06'ers say about the time and placement of stuff. I kinda figure that we'll probably sign in or something at the field house so that would most likely be the best place to meet.</p>
<p>I'm assuming you're all flying into Colorado Springs?? Anyway for us, a bus took us to the Academy and we went straight to Vandenburg to sign in (you won't go to the field house, unless things changed) Once you sign in, you go to your rooms to drop off your bags and then probably get all your issued stuff such as your shirts, sweats, bag etc. </p>
<p>After that its basically up to your element leader where you go. You can't really go anywhere by yourself (lol found that out the hard way last year...) Basically your arrival is totally structured :) hope this helps</p>
<p>Ok, thanks for the info. I hope there is at least one time at SS all us CCers can get together. Can any of you think of another time we can meet, like at the party or something.</p>
<p>Definitely, that night of the banquet deal you're pretty much all together anyway so if you can arranget that with the CCers that'd be perfect.</p>
<p>Yeah, I'm thinking the banquet/dance event would be the best chance to meet up. That and exchanging real names via PMs or whatever would help in case we're in the same group.</p>
<p>haha definitely would help. Plus you can ask around during the week if anyone uses the site, you'll meet so many people in the course of the week, it's really neat.</p>
<p>If any of you have a Facebook account, I've created a group called "USAFA Summer Seminar." Via other groups I've rounded up around 8 or 9 other kids from Facebook who are attending SS, 3 of which are in the group at this time. I made it earlier today so more will be joining soon. If you have a Facebook, you should join!</p>
<p>Oh, well the dance and all that is in the ballroom at Arnold Hall. The area you guys will be in is pretty big, there will be a dance floor area at one end, then tables and all where you'll sit with your element in the middle and the far end is just a sitting area basically (which is neat because they have the flags and other things from the first four graduating classes). The stair case would work, but there are two that are exactly like one is near the dance floor area and the other is near the other end. There is also doors that go right outside, the group I was in went out there, it was pretty neat. If you guys have any questions about SS, fire away :)</p>
<p>you guys should meet....
go up the staircase furthest away from the dance floor, first set of couches to your left as soon as you are released from the dinner.
don't know why...it's the first spot that came to mind.</p>
<p>Sounds good, I wouldn't know of anyplace better to meet, same with the time. What does everybody else think?</p>
<p>Doesn't sound like a bad idea. Has anyone confirmed that the dance is happening this year despite all the changes that are supposed to take place this year?</p>
<p>I would imagine there will still be a dance, there is one @ West Point, and Air Force is trying to emulate Army and Navy w/ their SS...</p>
<p>It should be in your schedule thing they sent out, it's a dinner, banquet and then dance kinda free time deal.</p>
<p>At first I figured there would be a dance this year, but if they never mentioned bringing nicer clothes, I am now inclined to think that they are not doing it this year. It's possible that it was just too expensive (catering, dance stuff, etc), especially since USAFA is not getting as much funding as it used to, so they may have decided to not do it this year.</p>
<p>Actually good point about the clothes. Nowhere on the packing list does it say to bring a tie or anything dressy. The closest we get to dressy are the khaki pants that we should bring for the workshops. I would still suspect that we would have some type of get together during the week, except it would most likely be less formal than in past years.</p>
<p>I'm sure we'll be able to find each other at some point or another. It's not like they'll keep us locked in cages for the whole week. I for one will be keeping an eye out for any names I recognize from Facebook or CC, so if a certain "Zach Ogden" comes up and greets you try not to be surprised! :)</p>