several questions about sAT

<li><p>how many times should i take it
im planning on taking on december and june and if i don do good one more time on october of senior year</p></li>
<li><p>when i register it says put the names of schools that you want to send the score to.
it was like 5 schools max and you have to pay more to send to more schools
what is that?
do you have to send the scores to colleges?
or do you just keep the score to yourself and write it on the application</p></li>


<li><p>General consensus seems to be around 3. After that people tend to level off. There's also a (debated) notion that colleges will look down on applicants who take it more than 3 times as too focused on scores.</p></li>
<li><p>You need to send the score to each college you're applying to that requires SAT scores. Yes, this costs money. They give you 4 free ones, but after that you have to pay for them. As far as I know, all colleges require that you send the scores directly from College Board, and not just write the scores on the application. (Makes sense, in my opinion).</p></li>

<p>so when i register for december SAT
i need to put list of colleges that i want to apply for so that they can get the scores?
but they don know my name or anything
then what is the point of sending them
someone help</p>

<p>That's what I'm wondering too.</p>

<p>Are you guys still juniors? Then don't worry about it. You only have to worry about sending scores when you're a senior.</p>

<p>They'll keep your scores on file for when/if they get your application then.</p>

<p>so do i have to send it or no
yes im a junior</p>


<p>agreed... Harvard said they won't like it if you take it more than twice</p>