Share your preferences of colleges

<p>Are (were) you torn between two (or more) colleges and eventually picking A over B for a certain reason? You can share your experiences and thoughts briefly with us right here to help others. Please post only if it is a difficult decision for you to make. You may post your decision and/or the decision for someone you know (see the following example). </p>

<p>A over B-Reasons</p>

<p>UVA over Cornell –brief reasons, if any</p>

<p>Rhodes over Vanderbilt - the visit and the money.
(of course, that was nearly 15 years ago that I made that choice)</p>

<p>Myself, UVA over Cornell –scholarship</p>

<p>My wife, UVA over Columbia –cheaper tuition</p>

<p>It happened 20 years ago. I wont be so blessed had she not turned down Colombia or had I chosen Cornell.</p>

<p>College of the Holy Cross over Notre Dame</p>

<p>I just couldn’t imagine spending 4 years in the middle of Indiana. Still can’t.</p>

<p>Purdue over Michigan State - my major and campus visit</p>

<p>A close friend of mine, University of Cincinnati over Johns Hopkins-major (toxicology) and scholarship</p>