<p>Ok, first of all this is not a Troll thread, this has been bothering me for a while now. This started in the beginning of this semester; at my chemistry class. First week of class I sat next to a fairly good looking girl. I tried multiple times to strike up a conversation, however she never seemed interested... and i picked up on her message and decided I would not bother her anymore (no hard feelings). But what really bothered me was that next week I wore my football clothes to class, (I play safety for a top 25 D-1 school) and she actually approached me and asked me if she could go to a party for the football team, with me that night. Usually I am a very trusting individual and I try to be understanding...but her forwardness seemed odd to me. Anyways I was nice and I took her to the party and we still hang out time to time.</p>
<p>But this whole thing got me thinking...are most of my friends (i am from out of state, and so all my friends are people I have met at college) just my friends because I play football, take them to the best parties, and introduce them to future NFL players. I always thought that people were my friend because I am an interesting, kind, and friendly person..but for the last few months, I've been thinking..if people are not my friends for who I am, well than I don't need their friendship and I should just stick to hanging with my team only.</p>
<p>Anyways most of my friends from the football team gave me some stupid advice, and I figured you all may have somethinng more productive. I was wondering.."how do I know if my friends like me for who I am, or if they just use me? And if they are just using me, should I just start ignoring them?</p>