<p>If you haven't opted out of the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) and want to, remember you have until January 5th to do so without incurring a $50.00 late fee.</p>
<p>Domestic undergraduate SHIP is $638 a semester; $849 for graduates and international undergraduates.</p>
<p>So if we waive out, we get an extra $638 back to our account? Cuz I remember asking this to financial aid and they told it doesn’t matter if you waive out or not.</p>
<p>If you don’t remember if you waived SHIP, you can also check to see if your Spring SHIP fee was credited back to you on your CARS E-Bill on Bearfacts.</p>
<p>If you waived in fall, you most likely waived it for the Spring as well, but always be best to waive again. Once you’ve finished, it will tell you whether you’ve waived or not (meaning you will not get a second confirmation number).</p>
<p>sunfish – no letter. You just need to provide the info requested regarding your other insurance, like member number, group number (if any), who is the provider, telephone number, and holder of the insurance (for example, a parent).</p>
<p>I know I read this somewhere on the contract or website, but for people who have already waived the SHIP for the Fall semester are automatically waived for it on the Spring semester unless they ask to receive the coverage for the semester.</p>